How to prepare for an interview

When embarking on your career journey within the biotech or pharmaceutical industry, a solid grasp of the scientific landscape and market dynamics can be indispensable.   

With this in mind, a big step to securing your position with the company you’re looking to be part of is conducting some research into it before your interview. Doing this not only mirrors the genuine interest you presumably have in what the company does, but also shows a readiness to engage in informed discussions. 

In this article, our Talent Executive, Tyler Olding, shares four key options you can turn to for researching a company pre-interview. 

1. Company website

Start by immersing yourself in the company’s official website, navigating through sections like about us, our science, products and services, pipeline, and investor relations. This should provide you with a solid, preliminary understanding of things like the company’s ethos, scientific pursuits, market offerings and backing. 

2. Recent research  

The second place you can turn to are scientific publications and patents; you can browse through scientific journals and find publications authored by the company’s researchers. This will give you a window to the core research domains and technological competencies and ambitions of the company you are hoping to join.  A simple way of finding who’s working in the company is to look it up on LinkedIn and check out the people section on the company’s page. 

3. Social media and PR

Moving into social media and press releases, you can also engage with the company’s official social media channels to keep up to date with its latest announcements, partnerships and breakthroughs. It can also be useful to look back through recent press releases – this can help you to grasp the company’s ideas, mission, and outlook to the public. 

4. Networking

 People often forget the benefits on networking. The biotech and pharma communities are a lot closer-knit than they may seem; try utilising platforms like LinkedIn to make new connections with current and former employees and build scientific conversations with them. This will again give you a more of an understanding of aspects of the company that might not be shown to the public eye. You can also sign up to different events and conferences, where you’ve got the opportunity to meet people who either work at the company you’re looking to join, or know someone who does and can perhaps provide an introduction. 

Informing you for your interview

All of this research will allow you to come up with informed questions that you can ask in an interview, which will not only show you’ve prepared, but will also demonstrate that you have a deeper understanding of the company and its operations. This can often go a long way in helping you stand out from the crowd. 

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How we can help

Our expert talent team can support you as you navigate the search, hiring, and onboarding process for your next role.  Get in touch with Tyler today to find out more. 

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